Threat Actors: What They Are & Their Cost to the UK Economy

A single click is all it takes. One click on an unexpected, usually safe-looking link could cost your business £10,830 (on average).
And it’s not an unfamiliar case for UK businesses. Half of UK businesses reported a cyber breach within the last year.
Yet, despite this, only 19% of businesses have a cybersecurity incident management plan.
Why is this? Why aren’t threat actors a concern for businesses?
Usually, it’s down to education. Businesses are unaware of how serious cybercrimes are becoming.

What are Threat Actors

Threat actors are individuals or groups that internally cause harm through cyberattacks. They can target individuals, governments, or businesses.

Type of Threat Actors
There are many different types of threat actors. These include some of the following:

Type of Threat ActorDescriptionMotivation
CybercriminalsIndividuals or groups committing cybercrimes, typically for financial gain.Financial gain
Nation-State ActorsGovernment-funded entities focused on espionage, stealing sensitive data, or disrupting critical infrastructure. Political espionage
HacktivistsHackers promoting political or social agendas, often targeting organisations or governments to expose secrets.Social political change
Thrill SeekersIndividuals hacking systems for fun or personal satisfaction.Amusement, curiosity
Insider ThreatsEmployees or insiders causing harm, either unintentionally through error or maliciously due to grievances. Various (negligence, revenge)
CyberterroristsActors launching ideologically motivated attacks that can threaten or cause violence.Political, ideological

The Cost of Threat Actors on the UK Economy

Cyberattacks in the UK cause a huge financial burden. It’s so huge that the estimated costs of cybercrime in the UK are set to be £27 billion a year.
The costs come as a direct and indirect consequence of a cyberattack. These include financial losses, business disruption, reputational damage, and so forth.
To make matters worse, 70% of reported cyberattacks are on medium to large businesses. This means that 30% are small businesses and other originations like charities.
And the threats are only getting worse and more common. It’s suggested that 560,000 cyber threats be identified daily.

How Can You Combat Threat Actors

Eliminating and reducing threat actors is more within arm’s reach than you think.
Reports show that only 31% of UK businesses conducted a cybersecurity risk in 2024. Alongside this, it’s suggested that 97% of cyberattacks can be prevented with modern cybersecurity solutions.
What is the moral of the story? You need cyber security solutions. Solutions that protect you, your business, and its longevity.

Plan Today for a Safer Tomorrow with XLCyber

Don’t leave cyber security for “another day”. Be proactive. All it takes is a single click on a dodgy link, and your business could experience downturns.
Take your first step today by contacting XLCyber, your partner when it comes to protecting your business and its integrity.

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